Superlative guide on how to migrate oracle visual Builder applications Using VB Studio

November 16, 2022 Oracle Visual Builder
Superlative guide on how to migrate oracle visual Builder applications Using VB Studio


This blog will teach you about the advantages of developing web and mobile applications with VB Studio, as well as how to migrate your PaaS4SaaS applications from Oracle Visual Builder to VB Studio. 

Why Should You Switch to Oracle Visual Builder Studio? 

Oracle Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) combines Developer Cloud Service’s developer and lifecycle management tools with Oracle Visual Builder’s visual and declarative cloud environment for creating mobile and web applications. 

VB Studio includes tools for all stages of the app development lifecycle, including design, build, test, and deployment. This includes integrated Git repositories, issue tracking, and code review tools, and a continuous development and deployment system for your apps. 

You get the following with VB Studio: 

  • Built-in repositories for hosting Git code and binaries, such as Maven dependencies. 
  • The full Oracle Visual Builder Designer is now tightly integrated with your Git repositories, allowing developers to manage changes, follow best practices for version control, and collaborate with their teammates to develop applications. 
  • A continuous integration service that allows you to automate your build and testing processes. 
  • A continuous delivery service that works closely with Oracle Cloud Applications. 
  • The ability to build and display different flavours of the UI to meet the needs of specific Oracle Cloud Applications (those built with VB Studio and Oracle Java Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET)), all while working within a Git framework. 
  • Sprints, tasks, defects, and features are tracked using agile boards and an issue-tracking system. 

Developers can quickly deploy their applications to their preferred target using VB Studio, whether it be an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) service instance, an Oracle Cloud Applications staging or production instance, or both. 

The Migration Methodology 

Integrations and OTBI &/BIP Reports are likely to be included in a typical ERP cloud implementation project. Depending on the implementation’s complexity, it may include PaaS Database (DBaaS/ADB) custom objects, ORDS REST APIs, Visual Builder application extensions, APEX application extensions, PCS Workflows, Application Composer custom objects, Sandbox configurations, and so on. 

CEMLI / RICEW IDs are used to group these objects together. For instance, INT01, EXT02, or REP03. EXT02, in turn, could have PaaS Database DB objects, OIC Integrations, BIP Reports, and VB Applications. Our goal is to migrate this EXT02 to a higher environment once unit testing in the development environment is completed, leaving all other extensions in the development environment. 

Before migrating your visual application, an administrator must configure the Oracle Visual Builder Studio instance as well as an Oracle Visual Builder instance to ensure that your visual application can access the appropriate services and resources. 

A project that will contain your migrated visual application must also be created by an administrator or project owner. 

Steps of Migration 

1. Set up VB Studio in order to create visual applications 

If your Oracle Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) and Visual Builder instances are not already configured to allow you to create visual applications, you must request that your administrator configure them before you can migrate your visual application. To prepare a project for your visual application, an administrator can complete the following steps. 

2. Change the Sources of Your Visual Applications 

After you’ve configured the project, you can migrate your visual application sources from an Oracle Visual Builder instance by importing the application as an archive or from a Git repository. 

The credentials for the application’s services are not imported. After creating the new application from the imported sources, you’ll need to supply the credentials. Similarly, mobile build configuration artefacts (such as iOS provisioning profiles, keystores, and passwords) are not imported. After importing the new application, you’ll need to re-enter these details. 

3. Manage Your Visual Builder Environments’ Settings 

When you publish a visual application, the build pipelines deploy it to an Oracle Visual Builder instance, which serves as the runtime environment for the app. There are some settings that you or an administrator must configure in each of your instances in order for your applications to function properly. 

Some of your runtime instance settings can be managed in the app’s Settings editor in VB Studio, but others must be configured in the Tenant settings of each of your Oracle Visual Builder instances. 

To access the Tenant settings, you must first log in as an administrator to the Oracle Visual Builder instance. You must configure the Tenant settings to match those of your previous Oracle Visual Builder instance. 


One can automate the entire code management life cycle for any Fusion ERP Cloud implementation project by utilizing Visual Builder Studio’s CI/CD capabilities. When it comes to implementation projects, version control is often overlooked, but by implementing best practices in the CI/CD world with Visual Builder Studio, BTSS Corp. can make a world of difference and provide a seamless and happy experience for all stakeholders.