How to Encrypt/Decrypt Files in OIC

January 5, 2021 Oracle Integration
How to Encrypt/Decrypt Files in OIC


Oracle integration offers excellent and easy Encryption/Decryption implementation features. Checkout this step-by-step guide explaining how to tap into the capability.

OIC PGP Encryption/Decryption:

Oracle integration cloud is used as Middleware between source and target system so that data can flow smoothly. To have Data Security, we can perform PGP Encryption and Decryption.

Very firstly we must generate a pair of key private and Public to perform Decryption and Encryption.
Below is the link from Oracle form where we can generate the keys:

Refer: Oracle Doc Link

Refer: PGP Key generation Link

PGP Key generation

Configuration of the Keys:

We can configure the key in two levels as given below:

  1. Instance Level
  2. Connection Level

Instance Level –> We can attach keys at certificates as given below:

In this key can be configured under string –> certificates

Click on Upload and you can see few information needed to be filled and then browse generated key

Instance Level

Instance Level

Fill all the necessary details and choose a file. Keys will be in .asc type.


In this level you just need to click a check Box given in the OIC Activities either downloading the file or writing the file to SFTP.


Connection Level: Keys can be configured at connection level. In this type of configuration, we must upload our Public and Private keys to the connection. Connection can be specific to Vendor as well.


In this case we must add one additional activity to the Integrations for each activity Encryption and Decryption.


Here Specify the File Reference will be the reference of Encrypted file. File name can be given as per requirement and Output Directory will be stage directory where you want to keep your Decrypted File.

Public key is used to do Encryption and Private key is used to do Decryption. PGP Encryption and Decryption is used both type of integrations Inbound and outbound as well. For Outbound we will have one pair of key setups to Oracle Cloud.